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Tripticks by Ann Quin (on license to And Other Stories)
Ann Quin - The Feminist Novelist Who Turned “On the Road” on Its Head
The most stylistically daring of all Quin’s stylistically daring books, “Tripticks” also marks a departure. If Quin serves as a literary bridge between Virginia Woolf and Kathy Acker—as she’s been described—then this is the book that gets her onto the Acker side of the canyon. Her three previous novels showcase a quieter psychological interiority. Here the prose is cacophonous and rude, fragmented by lists and quotations. Polyvocal yet monologic, often funny, creatively punctuated, it feels somehow both manic and static, and is, at times, so syntactically complex as to approach a ludic nonsense. In particular, much has been made of this book’s linguistic relationship to the cut-up methods of William S. Burroughs. There’s Ian Patterson, in the London Review of Books, noting that Quin used the techniques of “writers like Burroughs to create a fast-moving, jump-cutting, semi-absurd, road-trip quest narrative.” Meanwhile, Becca Rothfeld, in The New York Review of Books, points out that Quin rejected any suspected Burrovian influence, but concludes, “ ‘Tripticks’ reads like a machismo mash- up by William Burroughs.”
New Yorker magazine August 23rd, 2022, Danielle Dutton
Sadomasochism for Accountants ISBN 9780714531816
Review in the Glasgow Herald 7th February 2009
‘an entertaining romp through a strange subculture leading to an unexpectedly disarming climax.’
Radio interview on The Book Café (BBC Radio Scotland) 23rd February
Charity Shopping ISBN 9780714531496
Interview with Lettice Wilkinson in Psychologies magazine May Issue
Feature in Country Living magazine June issue
Cover shot in YOU magazine, Mail on Sunday 1 March 2009
Feature in The Scotsman magazine 1 March 2009
The Bookseller 30 January 2009 editorial and photo of hardback books from the book:
'Charity shop chic: thrifty shoppers everywhere will soon be able to rely on the service of a new lifestyle bible, with the launch of Charity Shopping and the Thrift Lifestyle. A guide to all things economical and fashionable, Lettice Wilkinson’s debut will offer guidance on where to shop…’